What should I do if I ask a girl out and she says we’ll talk about it later- IhavebeenchattingwiththegirlIlikeforalongtime Ife
What does it mean when a girl says she's a little embarrassed- How to reply- Whenchattingwithagirl,shesuddenlysaidthatshewasal
Lines to start a chat for the first time, how to start a chat with humor Theopeninglineofthefirstchatisanindispensablepart
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The girl I like calls me little brother, is there still a chance to pursue her- VictorHugooncesaidthatthefirstsignoftrueloveinboy
The words of confession when we met for the first time linger in my mind. Thewordsofconfessionwhenyoufirstmeetarealwaysunfor
How do you reply when a girl says she's bored- Answer on a case-by-case basis Ifyouaskagirlheropinionorevaluationofsomething,yo
When a girl asks you how you feel about her, how should you respond- Whenagirlasksyouhowyoufeelabouther,it saverysensi
How can I chat with a girl I just met so that she won't be so cold- Whentheyfirstgettoknowagirl,manyboyswillthinkthat